Earth lasts longer than empires. Embassy of Interspecies Diplomacies – MUSE

A site-specific installation curated by Mali Weil that tells how Interspecies Diplomacy is redesigning planetary ecologies, taking care of relationships between humans and more from the human. The exhibition investigates the relationships between living and non-living organisms that have co-evolved on planet Earth and explores the role of culture, science, art, law and fiction in building new forms of cohabitation, negotiation and conflict resolution.

A project curated by Mali Weil carried out in collaboration with the School of Interspecies Diplomacy and Lycanthropic Studies commissioned by MUSE as part of the Anthropocene program.

Opening hours

Opening times:
from 13th December 2024 to 2nd March 2025, on Saturday and Sunday 10am-7pm, from Tuesday to Friday 10am-6pm


Museo delle Scienze - Corso del Lavoro e della Scienza, 3 - 38122 Trento TN